Watch Your Mouth
The amount of power that the mouth has is incredible. It has the power to build someone up, or completely tear someone down. Not only can we damage others with it, but we can also damage ourselves. What we say has so much to do with everything about us inside. Our thoughts become our words and what we feel in our hearts, comes out of our mouths. (Matthew 15:10-11). How we talk about ourselves is a vital part of our walk with God. We cannot walk with Him and have a negative mouth.
Growing up I didn’t experience a lot of positive affirmation. I developed a very strong sense of hate towards myself. I was made fun of a lot and sometimes by people that were supposed to be my family. They’re words cut me. I allowed their words to define me. I was not capable of creating positive words for myself because I felt I had no one around me to build me back up. But God was there. God had always been there. I remember, during one of my loneliest times, asking God why He had even created me. What good was I to anyone. It wasn’t for some time that I received my answer. (Luke 12:7).
God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you who you are and He made you with a purpose. The world tries to rob us of that. Satan doesn’t want us to know how powerful we are when we let God lead the way. And he definitely doesn’t ever want us to speak it. Words are powerful. (Proverbs 18:21). God says, “The tongue has the power of life and death…” What kind of words are you saying to yourself? Are you giving yourself life or death?
We need to stop believing what the world says we are, or aren’t, and start believing what God has declared. His Word matters. His truth is what justifies. (Colossians 3:12). You are loved.
So watch your mouth, especially towards yourself. You are good enough. You are smart enough. You are important. You were made for a purpose and nothing someone else says to cut you down should have power to bring you down. Speak life. Speak truth. Give power to what God says and Satan will starve. Out of the mouth is what is deep within someone’s heart. Watch your mouth, and see what is coming out of your heart. You may not even realize you have a bad mouth. But you can break the chains and speak the truth that God has spoken from the beginning. Know your place with God and speak it. Know how He has created you to be amazing, and speak it. Speak positively and confidently and your perspective on others will also change. Because you can see how wonderfully God has made you, you’ll begin to see how wonderfully He has made others as well. You’ll start your own chain of positivity. God can use you to guide people from their negative words and to show them the power that the Truth really has.