Self Pity, Party of One.

23. May 2018 Truth 0

Self pity doesn’t look good on anyone. Let’s face it, we all throw ourselves a pity party and see who around us will R.S.V.P. Who is going to fuel my selfish feelings and agree with me instead of snapping me out of it? When we get into selfishness, we tend to get tunnel vision and can’t see who needs us. We get into the, “what about me?” mentality. We start to twist every thing that everyone does and make it about ourselves.

What does this really accomplish? Depression, anxiety,fear, doubt, arguments? None of which are helpful to you or others. But yet, we spend so much time on ourselves. (I’m not talking about health.) when someone else gets something you wanted, what’s your first thought? “Well I’ve been wanting that, why didn’t I get it?” Here comes jealousy creeping in. Unless you stop yourself right away, you will continue to allow satan  to drop little bags of garbage in your head. Don’t let satan pollute your thoughts. Take that garbage and recycle it. Turn his intentions towards you into ammunition against his insignificant plan. When we stand around looking at the garbage, we dwell on how awful it is, what a mess it has made. But we need to take the garbage and fuel our faith. Satan is a liar, a thief and a murderer. His intentions are to rob us of our joy, steal us from our God and kill our spirit. (John 10:10). God has given us a weapon that will never fail. Sharper than any sword and more powerful than any one of our enemies.(Hebrew 4:12). He gave us Jesus. He gave us His Word. The words spoken in the Bible are our arrows against the enemy. He cannot stand against the Truth. He will not stand against our God.

It’s time we stop letting him win battles in our minds. We are soldiers of God. We need to be confident in the solid foundation of His Word. Nothing can come between us and our God. Not even ourselves. (Romans 8:39).

When self pity creeps in, push back at it with self worth. Speak the Words God has given us. The enemy does not want us to know our worth. He doesn’t want us to fight our selfishness. The more inward we are, the less work we do for God.  How can we help someone else if we are always stuck on ourselves? It’s hard to even notice someone else when you’ve got you on the brain. God will take care of you- and who better than the Almighty? He knows exactly what we like, what we want and what we need at the very perfect time. (Philippians 2:3).

So, next time you get invited to a pity party, decline. Throw the trash out, and light up the world.

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