Stay the Course

God’s path is stable. It’s full. He has a specific purpose for us. It’s well thought out and beautifully designed. Every step has been counted. He knows everything about us. The plan for our lives is flawless and our God knows how amazing we will be. He loves us unconditionally. And because of His unfailing love, He gave us free will. He wants us to love Him because we choose to, not because He forces us to. His perfect journey for our lives through this earth is now altered by our ability to make choices. How amazing is that? We have been given the power to choose what we do on our journey. What is so amazing about this is that God gives us the opportunity to make decisions, whether good or bad, and yet, at the end of that journey He is still there.  He has laid out a beautiful journey for us, that essentially, all we need to do is have faith and walk it. Sounds pretty easy. But in all reality, it is very difficult.

This world does not want us to keep walking on this perfect path from God. The things of the world are constantly pulling us off the main road down a side street. Some of these side streets lead to dark alleys.  Because of these side streets, we become lost. The beautiful road that God has paved for us becomes harder to find. We get lost. Sometimes we can’t find our way back on our own. But because God loves us so much, He sent Jesus to find us in the dark alley and guide us back to our main road because He gives us direction.

Our lives often look similar to a road map. There is a main road with several roads off of it. Some reconnect, some are dead ends, and some loop back around. God knows all of these side roads, dead ends and loop arounds. He knows that once we get to a stop sign we may decide to go left instead of straight. Or we may turn back around because we are afraid of the new road ahead and we’d rather go somewhere else that’s familiar.

No matter what road you are on in life, you are never so far off the main road that God will not send Jesus to give you direction. You may be at what seems like a dead end, but God always makes a way. You may be going around in circles, but God will guide you back to the path. No matter which road we decide to take, God is waiting for us at the end of the journey. He is with us on every wrong turn. He never leaves us stranded or lost. He gave us Jesus so we don’t stay lost.

Deuteronomy 31:6- “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble in dread before them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.”

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