You Are Enough.
In a world full of advertisements, magazines, social media and high expectations, we often find ourselves comparing each aspect of our life to what we see on a daily basis. We value our lives on how we look and what we have. We try to be what we see. Between the latest make up trends, to the latest weight loss routine, and the most updated technology, we are constantly trying to keep up with society to fit in and feel good. But is that enough or will we always be chasing an unrealistic dream of happiness? The truth is, our eyes can deceive us. (Psalm 119:37). The world can trick us, and satan’s job is to rob us. Sure, taking care of ourselves is not a bad thing, but how are you doing it? Are you continually comparing yourself to what you see on tv or on social media? This kind of thinking is not feeding your health, it’s draining you of the truth and filling you with a false expectation of what you need to be.
God made you. God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you to be you, not you to become someone else. He says to become more like Jesus, and that’s what we should be looking towards. (Romans 12:2). People fail. People make mistakes and fall short. You are enough just the way He made you. (Ephesians 2:10). He made you with a purpose and that purpose does not include you being someone else. We all have different gifts, different jobs, different characteristics and different paths that God created for each individual person. When we try to walk on someone else’s path, we stumble. We are not meant to walk someone else’s walk. A lot of time we get lost in what the world is subliminally telling us we need to be. We do not need to be anything the world tells us to be. We belong to God. And we need to really understand how important we are. Satan doesn’t want us to know how powerful we are, how strong we are when we are fully confident in the Lord and His promises. If we did, he’d have no fight. (John 10:10).
You were created for a purpose. And if you’re reading this, it’s never too late. God has a plan for your life. You are beautiful, you are strong, you are enough.
So, when you look around at the world, remember this: instead of looking at what you could be, look at what God died. He made you just right, and He never makes mistakes.