Think About Your Thoughts

Our biggest supporter can be our own voice. Our own voice can also destroy us from all the good that God has in store for our lives. How we talk to ourselves and about ourselves is so very important. How you feel on the inside will spill over to the outside. What are you saying to yourself? Our internal voice to ourselves is vital for just about everything that we do. We can either build ourselves up or tear ourselves down. How many times have we been excited about something new about to happen and then we start thinking about what could go wrong? We just ruined something that was most likely a blessing. Fear, anxiety and doubt all rob us from opportunity.

Is what you say to yourself the same things that God says about you?

Words are so important. not only the meaning but the value behind them. The words that are spoken in the morning can dictate the mood for the entire day. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are talking so badly to ourselves. We need to catch our thoughts. Turn around the way we see ourselves. We cannot give our thoughts over to the enemy. “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5. Other people will always have something to say about how they view us. That doesn’t even matter, what truly matters is how we view ourselves. Not in a proud way, but in a humble and loving way. The way God sees us. He has written about it throughout the Bible. You just need to look and open your heart to His point of view. “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7. What is important to God? The heart. How do you check your own heart? Listen to your thoughts and hear the words you say. This is a big indication on where you are at. What is coming out of your mouth when you talk to others? Another great way to check how you are viewing yourself is this, look in the mirror, straight at yourself. Are you flooded with negative emotions and thoughts? Ask yourself, why? Why do I see myself like this? Most of the time it’s because we were trained by the world to think a certain way about ourselves. Whether we were bullied, put down, from a broken home, insecure- whatever the reason, God did not instill that in us. And what if I told you that you can turn your thoughts around? Our thoughts can also become our habits. We say some awful things to ourselves. Jesus did not die for us so that we can hurt ourselves- we are the temple, God lives in us! Could it be, that, when we say these things to ourselves, we are insulting the Creator? Really think about it. God doesn’t make mistakes. He doesn’t make ugly- He does not make something that is worthless. New way to look at yourself, isn’t it? Try the next step and look at yourself and say out loud, “I am loved, I am beautiful or handsome, I am enough, I have a purpose, God chose me”, etc. This may feel awkward at first, but if you do it every day- you will begin to feel it. That is God’s love. That’s what He sees. He made us exactly how we were meant to be made. The way you view yourself directly correlates with your thoughts, your heart and what comes out of your mouth towards others. Yes, it can be hidden, and some people can hide it well, but eventually it comes flowing out. Have you ever had a huge blowout fight with someone out of nowhere, and say things that you didn’t even mean? I know for me, when this happens, there is something that I have been burying and trying to ignore. After so many issues pile up on it and it becomes overwhelming, then it all comes out. And it can be ugly. This is why communication is so important. Communication with God, with ourselves, with each other. It doesn’t matter who you talk to, but you need to talk to someone to see where your heart is. Once your heart is clean your mind can be free. See, the enemy knows that if he can cloud your mind, he can confuse your heart. If he can twist your thoughts away from Jesus, your heart follows along. “Since, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:1-2. Jesus came to set us free. Free from everything, including our own thoughts that keep us in chains. The mind is a battlefield, that is why every single day we need to suit up in the Armor of God. Be one step ahead of the enemy and fight back.

Remember today, you are a child of God, you are loved, you have a purpose and you are enough. Jesus died for us because He loves us. He loved you & me SO much that He gave His life to save us. Grab your sword and The Word and fight for your freedom, even if that freedom is from your own mind. His Hand is stretched out, waiting for you to take hold of. He will never let you go.

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