God Hears You

You are important!

A phrase many strive to hear but it is not from others we should strive to hear it from (Galatians 1:10). There is a place in our hearts that only God can fill. God hears your pain, your insecurities, your fears, your loneliness; He also hears your joy, your passion, your dreams, and the things you love. He knows the parallels between these two lists.

We just need to focus on our thoughts and emotions that come from the positive things in our hearts. We need to remember to use the right feelings to replace the wrong feelings that we struggle with from day to day.  We need to take a step back and figure out which thoughts are we actually feeding. Nothing good or successful can come from dwelling on pain or negativity.

We are strong because He made us strong. God hears us and He is working. Don’t just pour your hearts out to Him about your worries and fears but pour out more about your passions and your dreams.  Once you leave your anxieties with Him, you will witness His love pour into your life.

He is always listening.

1 thought on “God Hears You”

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    Paul wolff on August 23, 2017 Reply

    I like this one because the hardest part for me in trying to believe in Christianity was tuning out all the negative thoughts when I hear the world! I had to tell myself to block it out and lison, take in the message and stop letting the devil keep you from hearing God’s word!

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